Seven practical ways to deal with executive burnout
Despite the very real danger that burning out poses to an individual’s long-term health and performance, it is becoming ever more prevalent as the pace of life continues to increase and the boundaries between life and work dissolve.
There are, however, steps that you can take to protect yourself or recover from burnout, and the following practical, actionable tips can really help.
Practical tips to recover from or prevent burnout
Take care of your body
It is no secret that most of us could benefit from addressing one or more areas of our physical self-care, whether that means moving around more often during the working day, drinking more water, improving our sleep hygiene or addressing our nutritional habits. You probably have something in your mind right now that you know you could do to improve your physical well-being. Choose one thing to focus on (such as drinking more water), and don’t try to tackle too much at once.
Explore and express your emotions
Stress, overwhelm, and burnout takes an enormous toll on us emotionally and physically. Living with chronically high-stress levels is extremely challenging, but for many people, finding a way to healthily explore and express their emotions can help turn down the intensity dial. Find something that works for you – perhaps a mindfulness practice such as meditation, body awareness, box breathing or a movement practice such as Tai Chi, or a creative outlet such as dance, drawing or writing a journal.
Tame your monkey mind
Mindfulness practices can help calm the mind, which often goes into overdrive in burnout. There are also other practical strategies that can help. For example, taking 30 minutes to do a huge ‘mind dump’ of all the things swirling through your head. This can help you make sense of exactly what needs doing and by when. Simply write down every single thing that is on your mind, from the huge life questions (What legacy do I want to leave my grandchildren?) to the tiny, boring errands (post my nephew’s birthday card).
Once out of your head, you can begin to categorise them and build them into your week or month. Like most people, you will probably see that you are often overcommitted, in which case the next tip will help.
Develop your support system
Talk to your friends or partner, but also consider using a professional source of support, such as a coach. A coach will be able to offer you a different kind of support because they are not involved in your personal life, and they have been trained to offer a blend of cheerleading, challenge and containment, offering you a place to go where you can share everything that is on your mind.
Say ‘no’ more
Setting clear boundaries is important for people in the midst of burnout. Did you know that when the word ‘priority’ came into the English language, it was only applicable to ONE thing? Now, we talk about multiple – often conflicting – priorities, but the origin of the word reflects something powerful: that we are probably overcommitted in one area or another. Saying no, asking for more time, and managing others’ expectations are all key to navigating burnout and overwhelm successfully
When was the last time you took a day off from your devices? If your answer is, “I can’t remember,” you are not alone – but if you are suffering from burnout, it might be worth trying it. Leave the phone, tablet or laptop and go outside. Connect with loved ones. Make new memories. Read a book. Go for an aimless walk. Remind yourself that you are not just a human doing: you are, first and foremost, a human being.
Go and see your doctor
Finally, if you suspect that you are close to having a breakdown, which is one of the body’s final warning signs, go and see your GP or a medical professional. There is no shame in burning out; it is part of the wider systemic context that we live in. The important thing is to get the support that you need.
There is no pill to cure burnout. Ultimately, recovering from it or protecting ourselves from it requires that we think carefully about how we live each day. We need to make smart, strategic choices that don’t just propel us forward in the short-term towards a ticked-off to-do list but support us to remain energised and engaged in the long run.
If you think you or someone you know might be suffering from burnout and want to explore whether coaching would be supportive, do get in touch.